Arizona State University – Gammage Roadway Rehabilitation


Sunland was awarded an asphalt rehabilitation project with ASU to mill out existing asphalt, grade, and repave Gammage and Forrest Roads.  The site work included utility location services; dust control, water meter and traffic control permits; barricades; saw cut and remove and replace approximately 474 linear feet of existing concrete curb and gutter; mill out 90,183 square feet of existing asphalt, pave with two lifts of 3/4” asphalt to an average depth of 4” after compaction with steel wheeled vibratory roller; and tack coat between lifts of asphalt with SS1H asphalt emulsion; and install 5,160 square feet of 8” concrete slabs at bus stops.


Arizona State University


Tempe, AZ

ASU Gammage Roadway Rehabilitation